Our fundraiser partner of the week is Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue! They will receive $2.50 for every item sold through our website between 3/3/25 – 3/9/25!

5 Ways of Making Coffee More Eco-Friendly

While we often don’t think about sustainability related to caffeine, that’s many people using and tossing their coffee beans, not to mention the gas produced by importing the beans.

What gets used has to go to waste somewhere, and coffee can produce a surprising amount of waste. So what do you do? How do you enjoy eco-friendly coffee?

That’s what we’re here to answer today.

1. Use Fair Trade and Organic Coffee

Sometimes it’s not just about your individual coffee-drinking habits that negatively contribute to the environment. For example, most coffee companies don’t produce their beans very sustainably.

While this can be frustrating, buying organic coffee is a great way to be more eco-friendly. Organic coffee farms use fewer fertilizers and chemicals while producing far less carbon into the atmosphere. 

Another great way to ensure greater sustainability with your coffee is by purchasing fair trade coffee. 

Many people don’t realize that coffee farming can be a dangerous job. However, fairtrade coffee ensures that all the workers bringing you their beans are paid the right amount for every pound you purchase. 

2. Use Manual Coffee Brewer

While Keurigs and other automated coffee brewers are convenient, they’re hardly eco-friendly. Keurigs are plugged into the wall 24/7, and while it’s nice to have a quick cup of coffee on a whim, it wastes a lot of energy. 

People often make too much coffee using automated brewing machines. This leads to wasted beans and more trash. 

Use a manual coffee brewer or a pour-over when making your coffee. While it takes a little more time and effort, it might just become your favorite morning routine. 

3. Compost Coffee Beans

If you’ve got a green thumb, chances are you’re already a composter for all of your other foods. The good news is that coffee is completely compostable!

Not only that, the paper filters you use for coffee brewers and pour-overs are often compostable as well. This makes cleanup more convenient and hassle-free.

Composting your coffee beans and other waste is a great way to enrich your soil without any fertilizer. If you aren’t a gardener, it’s still a great way to get rid of the trash without harming the earth. 

4. Use Your Own Mugs and Cups

While the seasonal Starbucks cups can be endearing, they’re producing more trash at the end of the day. Bringing your own mugs and cups can help quell this trend. 

It might feel a little silly to walk into a coffee shop with a mug in hand, but most baristas will accommodate you. If you’re an avid coffee drinker who frequents shops, this is a great way to enjoy eco-friendly coffee. 

5. Cold Brewing

Finally, we have cold brew as the final eco-friendly coffee option. It’s tempting to buy a cup of cold brew at a coffee shop, but making your own isn’t as hard as it may seem.

All you need are coffee beans, cloth or reusable coffee filter, and some water. It doesn’t use any hot water, so you don’t have to use electricity to heat it. 

You can also chill old coffee and repurpose it as a cold brew. Simply put, it’s a sustainable way of consuming your favorite brew.

Leverage Eco-Friendly Coffee Methods Today

Drinking eco-friendly coffee doesn’t have to be hard. Use this article to incorporate these habits into your daily life!

Looking for reliably sourced and delicious coffee? Check out our store to find the right coffee for you!