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7 of the Most Common Coffee Gadgets for a Perfect Cup of Coffee

How do you make coffee? The answer is that it depends on what kind of device you have to make it. If you are just beginning to experiment with making coffee at home, you will have to purchase a brewing device.

We took the time to outline some of the most popular devices people use to make their morning coffee.

1. Percolator

Percolators were once in wide use, though they have fallen out with the advent of other brewing methods, such as the drip machine, Moka, and espresso machine. Percolators use multiple chambers to brew. The bottom chamber contains water that is pushed by pressure through a tube that leads to the top of the pot. It then drips into a chamber containing coarsely ground coffee, which percolates through the grounds before dripping back into the reservoir below.

Because the coffee mixes with the unbrewed water below and is continuously boiled, some claim the method leads to over-extracted flavors and lesser quality coffee. However, others maintain that keeping a close eye on the brew and maintaining attention to detail will prevent any off-flavors and lead to a stunning final product.

2. Espresso Machine

Espresso is one of the most popular brewing methods, and it provides the base for lattes, cappuccinos, and americanos. Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee at extreme pressures. Espresso machines generally produce a pressure of 130-150 pounds per square inch. In contrast, “espresso-style” brewing methods, such as the Aeropress, produce only 20-50 pounds of pressure.

While espresso is popular at coffee shops globally, it is rarely seen in the home due to the somewhat complicated operation and expense. A new espresso machine can cost hundreds of dollars, while you can buy a French press for $10.

3. Moka Pot

The Moka pot is a stovetop piece that was a worldwide staple for decades. While still popular throughout southern and eastern Europe, it has mostly fallen out of use in the United States. The Moka pot produces a robust, thick coffee that is often compared to espresso. Cuban coffee, a strong, sweet beverage, is one of the most popular uses of Moka pot coffee in the US.

4. Keurig

The Keurig machine hit the market in the late 1990s and gradually gained popularity in office environments. By the 2010s, the Keurig was moving into homes throughout the US due to its ease of use and ability to brew single servings of coffee. The Keurig uses prepackaged pods or “K-Cups” to dispense servings of coffee or tea.

While early models spawned countless competing brands of compatible pods, models manufactured after 2014 contain technology to prevent the machine’s use with any non-Keurig product. The device has been criticized for being environmentally-unfriendly because of the large amount of plastic required for each cup of coffee it produces. If you like the idea of convenient, single-serving coffee, Hugo makes a tea bag-style coffee, which requires no plastic and is as easy as pouring hot water.

5. French Press

The French press was invented in the 1920s and has since become a trendy device for coffee connoisseurs. The device is essentially a Pyrex-type pitcher with a lid and attached metal plunger that is used to filter the coffee grounds. Hot water is poured over the coarsely ground coffee, allowed to sit for 3-5 minutes, then filtered by attaching the lid and pressing the plunger, which in turn pushes the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pitcher.

The French press is popular with campers and people with limited kitchen space, as it requires no electricity, paper filters, or other accessories to operate. Additionally, it’s easy to clean, and metal variations can be used directly on a heat source. The French Press is frequently used in European homes but has gained popularity in the US in recent years.

6. Aeropress

The Aeropress functions similarly to the French Press, though it differs in some critical ways. Like the French press, the Aeropress consists of a reservoir and a lid with a plunger. Because of the structural similarity, coffee is brewed similarly. The difference is that the Aeropress uses a much finer grind of coffee and is brewed with somewhat greater pressure. This results in a much stronger coffee that is marketed as an espresso-style coffee, though it is not brewed at nearly the pressures or heat required for true espresso. Like the French press, the Aeropress is particularly popular with campers and hikers on long trails because of its small size and low weight.

7. Drip machine

The drip machine is likely the most popular method of brewing coffee in the United States. Nearly all restaurants and coffee shops brew coffee in drip machines. Though their popularity in homes has decreased with the advent of single-cup methods of brewing, 77% of Americans reported using a drip coffee machine in the house in 2010.

Today, the drip coffee machine is still popular, with more than 40% of Americans using one to make their coffee. In a drip coffee maker, water is poured into a reservoir on the side. Next, a tube carries the water from the reservoir through a heating element, to a drip mechanism at the top of the machine. The hot water drips onto the ground coffee, then filters through a paper filter into the coffee pot. Often the coffee pot below is kept warm on a separate heating element to prevent it from cooling while the rest of the pot brews. Once the reservoir is empty, the pot of brewed coffee can be removed and poured.

Though different devices will require coffee ground to varying coarseness, Hugo Coffee Roasters provides various deliciously roasted blends that can be purchased pre-ground or as whole beans. Our private label coffee is perfect for the home, the office, or on the trail. Whether you are looking to buy coffee beans in bulk or in a single serving pouch, we have you covered.
