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A Short History of Turkish Coffee

On average, people drink 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day. With a global population of 7.8 billion people, that’s an average of 3.5 cups consumed per person.

Coffee connoisseurs interested in the finer things in life, and wanting an elevated coffee experience, should learn how to prepare Turkish coffee.

The Origins of Turkish Coffee

Despite its name, Turkish coffee originates from Yemen.

In the 16th century within the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman I was introduced to coffee. The beverage became loved by the wealthy and noble. The Sultan loved Turkish coffee so much, it’s reported that members of his harem were taught to brew it.

By the mid-1550s, Turkish coffee was no longer restricted to the upper classes.  It became commonplace in any household. This led to the spread of coffee houses, similar to today’s coffee shops.

Ingredients You Will Need

You will need coffee beans (or pre-ground coffee) and water. Sugar is optional.
Arabica or Robusta coffee beans are acceptable. The rich profile of Arabica beans produces delicious Turkish coffee.

If you choose to use pre-ground coffee, the coffee grinds should be soft and powdery like flour.

To prepare Turkish coffee, you need Turkish coffee pots such as an “ibrik” or a “cezve.” Additionally, it would help if you had a teaspoon and a measuring cup. Saucers complete the full serving experience.

Make sure you also have a sweet treat on hands, such as candy or chocolate, to serve as well.

How to Brew Turkish Coffee

To make Turkish coffee, add one cup of water for every two teaspoons of coffee grinds. Sugar is optional. Adjust for preferred sweetness.

Place your ibrik (or cezve) on a stove-top, on medium heat, for four to six minutes until foam rises to the top. Turkish coffee requires at least 1 cm of foam. Turkish coffee can be brewed for a longer period if desired.

Serving Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is always served with water. Guests drink water to cleanse their palate before tasting their coffee. Guests also use water to rinse coffee residue from their mouths after consumption.

Turkish coffee is served in Turkish coffee cups, which are often made of copper. A sweet treat such as a Turkish delight, a candy, or chocolate is often eaten after coffee consumption.

As for customs, it’s respectful to serve the eldest guest first.

Guests are not expected to consume more than one cup of Turkish coffee because of its density.


Turkish coffee grinds are sometimes used to tell fortunes. The practice, known as tasseography, derives from finding symbols or pictures in the coffee leftovers.

Turn over an empty cup to put leftover coffee grinds onto a saucer. You can read your fortune once the residue cools.

Browse Our Collections

Are you interested in enjoying an elevated coffee experience?

Our selection of coffees is the perfect place to get started.

With the 3-Pack Roaster Bundle, you can choose various roasted beans to brew Turkish coffee with. We recommend using a medium or dark roast to achieve a rich flavor profile.