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Video Transcripts:

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Live with John – Brewing with a V60

Hey everybody. John Lynn here with Hugo coffee roasters, I’m just doing another video. And today we’re going to focus on the Hario V 60. We’re going to go over brewing coffee with the ROV 60. Now, just like our other videos we’ve talked about, or at least the brewing guide videos. Um, there’s no real and true right and wrong answers.

Um, Some of the times coffee to water ratio is that we’re going to be using totally depended on the coffee that you’re using and how you like to drink your coffee. So just like to reiterate, this is how. I like to drink this coffee in the V 60 and how we’re going to do it today here at Hugo coffee roasters.

Okay. So first thing we’re going to do is go ahead and weigh out our coffee. We’ve got our coffee right here today. We are using a natural process coffee from Ethiopia. You’re a good chef. Um, real fruity coffee, definitely one of my favorites. So I’m really excited to drink that today. Um,

60, we’re going to grind, um, a little bit finer than we would for our, our average drip machine. If you’ve got a broccoli grinder, um, kind of one of these style grinders, um, I’m grinding it on a 19 right now. Um, but just finer than you would, um, normal drip, uh, then a little. The kosher salt, they’re a little bit finer.

Um, so that’s a good starting point. Um, start to finish our V 60 should take anywhere from the absolute shortest, I would say, um, three minutes up to kind of three and a half minutes. So, you know, if you’re making your view 60 and it takes you two minutes, you’re probably gonna want to get that grind a little finer, um, on the other end of the spectrum, if it’s taking you.

Four or five minutes to make your cup of coffee, probably going to want to make that a little bit coarser. Um, we are using the size of one today and it’s kind of a personal size. So what I have in my house, what I like to use, um, so that’s what we’re going to use today. REO has their own special filters.

We’re going to use our size one filters to match. And unlike the Chemex filters we talked about last week, there was no folding needs are upset and kind of ready to go. Just like that. The only phone you do need to do as long this seam. I don’t know if you guys can see there’s little seam on the edge, we’re just going to bend that right over.

So that way we can pop this filter open and nobody has perfect cone shape. We’re just going to set that right inside of our V 60 and then we’re going to add some hot water. We are just doing this to number one, get that nasty paper taste out of the filter and number two to heat up the glass or the brewing receptacle that you’re going to be using.

So we can have more constant temperature while we’re brewing. Keep our coffee a lot warmer. Add a little bit of hot water to our mug, just our mud things. Nice and warm. And it’s ready to receive our coffee when they’re talking is ready. Right. We’ve got our ness freshly ground coffee right here.

Can you go ahead and just add that property to our V 60, we’re going to kind of want to shake this around just a little bit, just to get the coffee bed nice and level. And then we’ll tear out our scale on what ready to begin our group. First thing we’re going to do is we’re gonna let our cop, we’re going to do our first poor, let our copy bloom.

You’re going to do the same thing with any sort of brewing that we do. We did it with the French press. We did it with the Cemex. Now we’re going to do it with the V 60. Um, we’re going to do twice as much water. As we did coffee. So we put 22 grams of coffee in here. So we’re going to pour 44 grams of water to get our bloom going.

Once again, when we do our first pour for our bloom, there’s not really a perfect set time. We need to wait from our first port to our second. For really, we just need to look at our coffee and see when it kind of stops, bubbling up. Um, that can be anywhere from 30 seconds all the way up to a minute and a half.

Um, I brewed a cup of coffee and the V 60 this coffee, uh, earlier today. And it took me about a minute. So I’m expecting it to be about a minute. And again, that’s gonna depend on the coffee that you’re using as well as how fresh that coffee is. Um, so we’re going to go ahead and start there. Oh, I guess I should say we are going to be doing using a, um, 16 to one.

Water to coffee ratio. Um, so we’re gonna use 22 grams of coffee, which will give us roughly 350 grams of water to finish, which is going to be, um, a nice personal mugs worth. Um, so here we go. We’ll start our timer and we’re going to pour slowly as we can really try to saturate all the grounds, get everything.

All that coffee. Nice and wet. There we are. That copy’s just bubbling up right now. Um, puffing up a little bit, gaining volume. So we’re just going to kind of wait for that to die down before we start our second floor. With the Cemex, we did a four core brew with this V 60. It’s only going to be two. We’ve got our first pour that we just did.

And when we’re ready to start our second pour, we are just going to slowly steadily and consistently as possible pour water until we hit that 350 gram Mark. Um, we’re gonna want to go in concentric circles. We are also going to want to focus a little bit more on the dark spots and light spots. That is where the coffee is going to be a little drier.

So here we go with their second pour, I been stopped coffee and stopped going down. So I’m just starting in the middle slowly, going out. Okay. Slow and consistent is what we’re looking for.

Now another way to tell if you’re grinding, maybe too fine is if you are unable to do a slow enough poor to only do one four, and you end up running out of room, then you’ve got to stop. It’s a good sign that, that, uh, coffee is a little bit too fine, and you’re not able to get all the water in there that you need.

That is if you are pouring as slowly as you can, but it also is important to have a consistent water flow. You want to be as consistent as we possibly can to go over and hit all these dark spots. We’re closely approaching 350 Mark. Three 51, close enough. Now waiting for this coffee to drain. We are currently at two minutes and 29 seconds.

So by the time, um, the water has left our V 60 into our brewing vessel Harlow glass corral here, which should be right at three minutes, which is the perfect time. My opinion for this coffee on the , um, formerly chatted to drink this. I’m gonna go ahead and dump this water out of our mud. That was keeping that nice and warm.

That last few drips here. Definitely turning into a drip instead of a steady stream of coffee coming out of the beach. 60. Let me go ahead and call that.

Okay, there we go. How to make coffee in the but you guys enjoy watching. Hope you guys learned something today and have a great rest of your week. Drink. Good coffee. Bye-bye.