What business ideas do you have for a coffee entrepreneur?
Coffee, with all of its varied flavors and brews, is a popular beverage that many people enjoy daily. As the number of coffee drinkers and enthusiasts continues to grow, so does the number of people starting coffee-related businesses. Are there still unique ways to reinvent coffee and draw in customers? Keep reading to find out what unique ideas these coffee enthusiasts suggest to those in the coffee business.

Shelley Grieshop
Shelley Grieshop is a former Associated Press writer who joined the team at Totally Promotional in 2016. She enjoys creating blogs and other content for the company.
Customized mugs
Mugs with cute sayings are the perfect way to draw coffee drinkers to your grind. Use them as rewards to loyal customers for coffee purchases or as prizes for coffee-themed trivia games. Create a “Coffee Saying of the Month” and print it on mugs for collectors. Buying customized mugs in bulk allows a business to resell them at a significant profit.
Customized coffee painting or coffee-scented candles
Coffees are so popular that you can actually find them anywhere from coffee shops to manufacturers of coffees. However, there are still business ideas revolving around coffees.
- If you are an artist, you may decide to build a customized coffee painting or coffee sketching business.
- You may create coffee-scented candles. You could also develop perfumes and fragrances.
- [You could design] coffee-colored lamplight that helps someone relax and relieve stress due to its warm light that says, “sleep well” or “rest well.”

Sandra Craft

Simon Elkjær
Simon Elkjær, Chief Marketing Officer, avXperten.
Brew your own cup of coffee
As a coffee enthusiast, I’d have to say that if there’s one industry I would love to see more of, it would have to be the coffee brewing business. It can be in the form of more shops serving their own brewed coffee or businesses that are dedicated to teaching people how to brew and enjoy their own cup of coffee. The world of coffee is interesting and complex, and I’m sure that a lot of people would love to know more about it.
This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.