Our fundraiser partner of the week is Leo’s Animal Rescue! They will receive $2.50 for every item sold through our website between 1/27/25 – 2/2/25!


Cold Brewing FAQS for Making Great Chilled Coffee

Everyone loves the robust and chilled taste of a cold brew coffee, at least until it comes time to pay (who knew store-bought coffee concentrate could cost so much?). But don’t get barking mad — there’s a way to get your cold brew fix without breaking the bank. How? By making it yourself!

Here we’ll be answering some specific cold brewing FAQs – questions we get all the time from people who want to try making it themselves.

Cold Brewing FAQs

How Do You Make Cold Brew?

We’ll go over a brief refresher, but if you want detailed instructions with measurements, then make sure to check out our guide. Mix coarse coffee grounds with water (we recommend approximately a 1:5 ratio). Then, let the coffee steep for 16 to 24 hours, depending on your personal preference. Once it’s done steeping, strain it, store it in an airtight container.

Our Hugo Coffee Dog Daze Cold Brew is pre-ground to the perfect coarseness and ready to brew, for the multi-mutt cup.

How Much Caffeine Does Cold Brew Have?

Most cold brews have between 200 – 330 milligrams of caffeine in them. However, this amount can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of coffee, the amount of time steeped for, and the ratio of water to concentrate in the final cold brew drink.  When you compare cold brew to iced coffee, cold brew is the alpha dog when it comes to caffeine.

How Long Does Cold Brew Stay Good?

As long as you refrigerate it after steeping, your cold brew concentrate should stay good for seven to ten days.

If you find it’s tasting off, then considering watering it down and giving it to your plants. Some plants, like roses and ferns, prefer water with higher amounts of acidity. Cold-brew is perfect for them!

Can You Use Decaf Beans to Make Cold Brew?

Yes, anything is paw-sible! Decaf beans are an excellent option for people who just enjoy the taste, but not the jitters.

Should You Use Filtered Water When You Make Cold Brew?

Because a high percentage of cold brew is water, you don’t want to use tap-water for your cold brew. Depending on where you live, this can affect the steeping process and the final taste. Instead, use filtered water or bottled spring water.

Does Cold Brew Have More Acid Than Regular Coffee?

While you might think that cold brew would have more acidity since it’s steeped longer, the opposite is true. Actual studies have shown that the hot water brewing process produces higher levels of total titratable acid in the beverage.

So, if you have a sensitive stomach that’s upset by food or drinks with a lot of acids, then it may be worth giving the cold brew a shot.

So Why Hugo Coffee Roasters? Because We Support Both Dogs and Great Coffee — What’s Not to Love?

Not only do we offer a wide array of sustainably-sourced coffee, with every online purchase, we are able to support small dog rescue organizations throughout the nation.