Our fundraiser partner of the week is Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue! They will receive $2.50 for every item sold through our website between 3/3/25 – 3/9/25!

Get in the Spooky Spirit with our Halloween Coffee Recipes

Happy fall y’all! Ready to make some spooky coffee? 

It’s that time of year again to get creative with our coffee recipes. And these are packed with fall flavors to give you that cozy feeling. And of course, they’ll also satisfy any sweet tooth (especially the last one)! 

Keep reading to learn three delicious Halloween coffee recipes.  

Dirty Chai Latte Recipe 

A chai latte is the perfect fall drink because it’s spicy, warm, and creamy. Unfortunately, a traditional chai latte is only made with tea, but we’re making it dirty by adding espresso. 

What you’ll need: 

  • 1 cup water 
  • 2 chai tea bags 
  • 1 shot Howler Espresso Hugo Coffee 
  • 1/3 cup milk (or non-dairy milk)
  • 1 tsp agave or maple syrup 

Bring the water to a boil and pour it into a mug. Let the tea bags steep in the water for at least 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, make your espresso in an espresso maker. Pour the shot of espresso into the mug and stir. 

Pour the milk and agave (or maple syrup) into a saucepan. Heat until it reaches 145 F or is hot with tiny bubbles. Use a frother to froth the milk

Add frothy milk to the mug. Enjoy! 

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe 

This is one of the most classic Halloween coffee flavors of all time. It’s sweet, nutty, and positively loaded with pumpkin.  

What you’ll need: 

  • 1/2 cup Howler Espresso Hugo Coffee
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice  
  • 1 tbsp sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1/2 cup milk (or non-dairy milk) 
  • Whipped cream (optional) 

Start by brewing the coffee. Add the pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, sugar, vanilla extract, and coffee to a saucepan on medium-low heat. Bring to a simmer while stirring occasionally. 

Pour the milk into another saucepan. Heat until it reaches 145 F or is hot with tiny bubbles. Use a frother to froth the milk. 

Pour the coffee mixture and frothy milk into a mug. Top with whipped cream and enjoy! 

S’mores Iced Coffee Recipe 

Gather around the campfire! We’re making a rich and chocolatey s’mores coffee A.k.a., the best-flavored coffee ever.  

What you’ll need: 

  • 1/2 cup Black Paw French Roast Hugo Coffee 
  • 2 tbsp chocolate syrup, divided 
  • 1 tbsp crushed graham crackers 
  • 1 cup ice 
  • 1/3 cup half and a half (or non-dairy milk) 
  • 3 tbsp marshmallow fluff 

Make the coffee and let it cool.   

Meanwhile, dip a mason jar in 1 tbsp of chocolate syrup and roll in crushed graham crackers. Next, put ice in the mason jar and pour 1 tbsp chocolate syrup over the ice. 

Pour half and half in the glass and add the cooled coffee. Top with marshmallow fluff and any extra crushed graham crackers. Stir all together and enjoy!  

Make These Delicious Halloween Coffee Recipes 

These 3 Halloween coffee recipes are all must-tries. So whether you make yourself a spicy dirty chai or a sweet s’mores coffee, you can’t go wrong. So now create your drink and get into the spooky spirit!  

To make these fall drink recipes and more, shop our coffee today.