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Video Transcripts:

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Morning, y’all John Lynn here. Uh, Hugo copy roasters, just checking in, make sure everybody’s doing good. We’ve been, uh, away for about a month for the holidays, but we’re back with a new video. And today we’re going to be talking about health benefits of coffee. Um, there’s kind of a little bit of controversy over health benefits of coffee, whether it’s good for you, whether it’s bad for you.

Um, there’s so many different studies that can be looked at from so many different ways. Um, but here, we’re going to talk about a few proven things, um, that copy can definitely help you with benefit your, your life fairly significantly. Um, and we’ll just say, you know, Coffee has caffeine. Caffeine is a drug.

We want to have all of this and then kind of moderation. So all of these studies are referring to, you know, one to four cups of coffee a day. It doesn’t mean, you know, the drink, two pots of coffee a day. It’s going to benefit you in the long run. So just a little FYI, there are a lot of different things that coffee has been linked to as far as benefits.

Um, it’s helped with Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s. Um, stroke, it’s been linked to, um, help with depression, um, and scientists really aren’t sure why playing just really don’t understand fully all the health benefits of coffee and caffeine just quite yet. Um, so we’re going to focus on some slightly different stuff that we have study a little bit more in depth and that we do know about.

And the first thing we’re going to talk about is coffee’s length. Um, To cancer prevention, um, the reduced risk of cancer for coffee. I have my, a little cliff notes right here. I’ll be peeking down at just want to make sure I get you guys the best possible information. Um, yeah, so coffee’s help with cancer is linked to all the antioxidants in coffee.

Coffee is full of antioxidants. Um, in fact, it’s the number one way Americans. Um, get antioxidants in their diet. Um, you can definitely obviously do that with fruits and vegetables. Um, but apparently we’re drinking a lot more coffee than we are eating broccoli. So just a little FYI, a lot of Americans, this is where we are getting all of our airway oxidants.

And what oxidants can do for us is pardon. So our DNA can get damaged by free radicals, and that can cause a lot of issues in our body. Um, and then the antioxidants and coffee are going to be able to help repair the damage done by the free radicals within our body. Um, and that’s going to lead to cancer prevention, specifically colon cancer.

Um, let’s see. Dr. David troop is one of the scientists that originally discovered, uh, free radicals. And it said that coffee drinkers are 15% less likely to develop colon cancer. Um, compared to non-coffee drinkers, so drink your coffee can help prevent from colon cancer, um, which is, you know, fairly big issue, not a good cancer.

And you want to get, um, next thing we’re going to talk about. Health benefit. Number two for us is going to be, um, all the nutrients that we can get from coffee. Uh, we have a single cup of coffee right here, and I’m going to give you a little rundown about the main things, um, that you can get from that. Um, and this is just for a single cup.

Now, every coffee is different. Every coffee is gonna have different caffeine contents or a booster is going to have, you know, twice the caffeine is a rabbit coffee. Um, like we serve and roast here at Hugo coffee roasters. Um, you know, depending on you know, where it’s grown and varietals and things like that, there’s a lot of different ways, um, that nutrients can make it into your body from coffee and not every cup of coffee it’s uniform.

So this is just kind of a basic round number, but, um, lots of nutrients, riboflavin, um, 11% of the recommended daily intake from one cup. Of coffee. So those of you out there who are like me that are drinking two, three cups of coffee a day, you know, we’re seeing a lot of, a lot of benefit there. Um, that’s vitamin a B2.

We also have vitamin B five. Um, we get magnesium, we get potassium, um, niacin as in coffee, which can be good for you. Um, and these are lower doses. We’re looking at the magnesium and nice and only 2% of the recommended daily value. Um, 6% with the vitamin vitamin B five. So the nutrient content in coffee is pretty small.

You’re not going to be replacing coffee with vegetables and expecting that to work out. Um, but there are nutrients in your coffee that you’re taking in that are helping you get, you know, your different vitamins for the day. So. Cool little thing about coffee. Um, next thing we’re going to talk about is the liver.

And this is one of the, um, main health benefits that I could find of coffee and some of the most studied, um, invest kind of proven benefits of coffee is that it’s shown to really help with, um, liver damage. We’re talking about fibrosis cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis B and C. Um, And they weren’t even talking about fatty liver disease.

So anything from alcohol related liver illnesses to non-alcohol related illnesses are being helped by, you know, one to three cups of coffee per day. Um, let’s see, right here. Copy has a thousand chemicals. Doctors are still trying to figure out what that does in the body and how it makes it helpful for us.

Um, But copy is getting in there. Coffee is helping with our liver. Um, there was even a study done that was saying that coffee helps process, uh, alcohol in the liver while you’re, uh, hung over. So you got a bad hangover, drink some coffee. It’s definitely gonna help. You know, it’s not just the caffeine boost that you’re getting, but it’s actually helping out, uh, where it counts and that’s in your liver.

Um, Well, it will, Iris is that, that’s another pretty cool thing about coffee. Um, and it says it doesn’t really matter if it’s instant coffee. If it’s filtered drip, if it’s espresso, we’re getting all of these benefits, no matter how you’re consuming. Yeah. Coffee.

Let’s see, we’re going to move on to our next health benefit of coffee. And that is fat burning coffee helps burn fat. Um, several studies have shown that caffeine can boost your body’s metabolic rate by three to 11%. Um, and it says increased fat burning as much as 10% in obese individuals and up to 29% in lean people.

So if you’re looking at cut that, and if you’re looking to lose some weight and lose some pounds or, um, you know, just to get that nice summer body going, um, and you’re already doing pretty good coffee can definitely help there. We use that metabolic rate. Um, and then the last thing we’re going to talk about is diabetes.

Um, coffee has been shown to help with type two diabetes. Uh, researchers at Harvard tracked over a hundred thousand people. For about 20 years. Um, and they did this over a four year period per person, and their conclusions were later published in 24 team. What they found was that people that were consuming daily coffee had an 11% lower risk of developing type two diabetes than people that were not drinking coffee.

Um, and this is not linked to caffeine, so we didn’t see a different it’s with people who were drinking tea or, you know, or taking supplements, different things like that. Um, it’s clearly a linked to the consumption of coffee. Although this study doesn’t understand really or show why that happened, just that it did happen.

So a hundred thousand people over 20 years. So I’m studying people over a four year stretch, 11%, um, Lower risk of developing type two diabetes. So yeah, some health benefits of coffee. Um, other health benefits, like I was talking about earlier, depression, stroke, Alzheimer’s other things that, and then linked to, uh, you know, coffee being able to help.

Um, but still studies being shown, um, doing different things there. Um, But also, you know, coffee just kinda makes you feel good, gives you that perk in the morning, kind of picks you up, lets your brain starts firing. Um, definitely releases dopamine gets you going in the morning. Um, kind of just, you know, makes you feel good.

Gets, gets your day going and gets the ball rolling, which can, you know, good mindset number one way to be healthy. Right. Anyway. Thank you guys for listening. Appreciate you listening to, uh, my health benefit. Copy ramble. Um, have a good weekend.
