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Video Transcripts:

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How To Brew the Perfect Cup of French Press Coffee

Hello everybody. John Michael here from Hugo coffee roasters. I am the head roaster here. I do know it says Claudia McMullan, who is our owner at the bottom of the screen, but we’re just using her computer. And for today, it’s going to be me. And I’m going to show you guys how to make an amazing cup of French.

Press copy you think Hugo coffee? Um, first thing we want to do is get our water going. We want to bring our water to a boy. We’ll go ahead and get that started. Next thing we want to do is weigh out our coffee. So today we’re using a bonafide which got house dark, dark roast, and probably the most popular coffee that you have. So we’ll just open this up.

There we go. And for French press, what we want to do is we want a one to 12. Coffee to water ratio. So today what we’re going to do with you, it’s 50 grams of coffee and 600 grams of water to grow that coffee. So just give me, go ahead and weigh our 50 grams of coffee.

Okay. And there we go. One thing I also like to do is purge our grinder in case you’re going from one coffee to another. So they don’t mix those two copies up. So we’re going to do is take a tiny little handful of copy and run it through our grinder. So it clears out anything that was in there before our water and our cattle is now at a boil. I’m going to go ahead and transfer that into our gooseneck kettle here, which is going to help us pour the water. Um, a little more gently, a little more slowly, which is something we’re going to want to do to not over extracted.

All right. So when we make coffee, our water, when we start brewing with like, just off of boiling. So depending on where you live and what elevation you’re at, the temperature is going to be very different. Um, which is why I like to recommend for French press doing a full boil. And by the time I pour it into this graph, when we start using that water to make our coffee, it’s going to be right where we want it right underneath boiling, right at the sweet spot.

So we’re going to go ahead, get a copy right into our fridge press now for our coffee. Um, I’m using the BroadSoft home grinder, their entry-level Encore grinder. Um, we have it set on grind level 30. That’s what we like to use for fringe press. And we want it to be a medium core scribes because something courts, or then you would use for your home drip machine and not as coarse as something you may use for a cold brew or for all right. So we’ve got our 50 grams of coffee in here. Well, we want to do first is we’re going to bloom our coffee. We’re going to soak our coffee grounds. I’ll let the gasses from the freshly roasted coffee to escape and how we do that is we’re going to pour twice as much water as coffee that we started with.

So since we started with 50 grams of coffee, I’m going to tear my scale. We’re going to slowly pour in a hundred grams of water. And I like to put a really slowly because what we’re trying to accomplish here to make sure that all the coffee grounds. And nice and saturated there. We are usually let that sit and kind of bloom for 30 seconds or so.

And you can tell him that blooming is done is because the coffee will start to drop back down. And right now, I don’t know if you guys can see this or not, but our coffee is rising in there and we have, you know, it looks like it’s half full, but that’s mostly just the coffee rising up. And when we stir this, it’s going to settle back down.

It’s been about 30 seconds. What we’re going to do is we’re just gonna slowly scarier this copy and make sure all the grounds are nice and saturate. Okay. Now our next step, we’re going to introduce our water. Right here. We’re going to start our timer and we’re going to time for four minutes. So we’re going to start that. And we’re slowly going to pour water until we get to 600 grams of total water. And what I like to do when I’m pouring, it’s just rotate my French breasts, pour slowly and try to just layer the water on top of any of the grounds that are rising up.

It starts with the grounds that are kind of less saturated than others. So the dark spot or any clump, we’re going to pour over the top of all right now, we’ve reached 600 grams of water. We’re going to go ahead and put the top to our fringe, press on. Keep all the heat in there, but we do not want to plunge it. Now we’re going to wait. We started our timer when we started introducing water after stirring four minutes from that point. And so we’re going to start plunging, um, a few things that I would like to talk about while we are waiting for our copy to Steve is, um, if you don’t have a grinder.

Um, we do offer all of our coffee grounds and a trip offering whole beam or French press. So if you buy coffee from us online, you have the option to choose a French press. If that’s your you’re going to be using. And we’ll go ahead and grind that coffee perfectly.

A lot of places. If you read, when you’re making a French press, we’ll recommend that you use a wooden spoon over a stainless steel spoon. We are in our warehouse right now, and this is all we had. So this is going to work just fine. The reason you’ll see a wooden spoon and why a wooden spoon can typically be recommended is just because metal on the glass can cause micro-fractures in the glass.

And then after, you know, you some hot and cold and hot and cold, you know, if the glass can break. So that’s why a lot of times you’ll see people using wooden spoons. I would probably recommend using a wooden spoon, but you’re not going to affect your copy. Using as Dean was feel bar scheme, just like, what were you.

When they go ahead and take the mother I’m going to drink out of, I’m going to pour a little bit of our hot water right in there. What that’s going to do is warm up the mud for us. So when we pour our coffee and it’s not going to take all the heat from the coffee, so one of my mother it’s already going to be nice and warm.

Copy’s going to be ready. Um, once we plunge our coffee, A little, uh, trick. I like to do put it in the craft. If you’re not going to drink all the coffee right. At first, set it aside. But we do want to get the copy out of the French press and away from the grounds that are left, because that will mean more brewing time, which is going to better the coffee a little bit.

So as soon as we plunge, we’re going to want to get all of the coffee out of there. If we’re not going to be serving your write up, I usually like to set it in a little crap or something and set it aside so I can still drink my and read book or whatever you’re going to be doing for the day. Um, see this coffee is our bonafide dark roast.

Um, it is a two beam blend from coffees from Columbia and Brazil. It’s probably my favorite coffee to use for the French press, but you can use any coffee that you would like, whatever you prefer, the French press. What is really nice about it is it creates a really. Thick a really rich, really bold cup, which is something that a lot of people like.

So I typically like to use coffees that, you know, kind of mimic that copies that are going to be a little bit more syrupy, have more body and a little bit more, both flavors. Um, so this is the copy that I prefer to use for our French breasts at any coffee offering, it’s going to work just fine. So we’re getting very close to our four minute timer being up and they go ahead and take this off of the scale.

Well, our plunge. And when you’re at our four minute Mark now, so you’re going to slowly push this down. Uh, we don’t want any of the grounds to escape up so nice, gentle and a good way to know. If you’ve got to hear Brian’s setting is you got to push in with one finger that popups shoots all the way down.

That means you’re trying to think probably two cores, not enough resistance at the same time, you got to take your whole hand and put your sugar, your body weight into it. Probably a little bit too fine. Probably not going to be a good grind setting for your French press. So I like to see around 10 to 15 pounds of pressure to push down and slowly push that down and it’s going to be absolutely.

All right. So I’m going to jump our water out right here. We’re going to replace that with a lovely dark gross coffee from Hugo coffee roasters.

And that’s how you make the perfect cup of French press coffee. That’s all my time. You guys enjoy. Have a good day.