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Live with John – How to Make Cold Brew

Hello everybody. John Len here, as you go to coffee roasters making another video and today’s topic, cold brew coffee. So we’re going to talk about some different ways you can make cold brew coffee, as well as some different offerings we have here.

The first thing I like to talk about, which is kind of what is corporate coffee? When we’re talking about cold brew coffee, we’re talking about ground coffee. That’s been steeped in cold water. Versus in hot water when you’re making your normal rent track per se, they’re going to put your coffee in here, your hot water.

We’re going to keep it four minutes. We’re going to four. You’re ready to go with your whole group. We’re going to do very much the same thing, except it’s going to be a much longer process. When we get a really rich, really flavorful cup of coffee, really good, cold. And has far less, one of the main draws for Cole group is that it has.

65 to 70%, less than normal coffee. And that’s because the temperature of the water, isn’t pulling out a lot of the assets that would normally be drawn out from the ground. So we get a copy of that. It’s really easy on the stomach, really easy to drink and things. Another cool thing about cold brew is it’s more shelf stable than a hot coffee.

The reason that kind of single cup usage has kind of blown up in the past couple of years is because not a lot of people want to make a whole pot of coffee three days throughout the day. And if they’re going to have a cup of coffee, that’s been sitting there an hour or two based different than it’s cold brew.

We do not have that issue. Once Cobra is ready to drink, you have. One to two weeks before. Yeah. We’re going to need to get rid of that copy. And definitely the lead is the week before you’re going to see a lot of flavor, so you can not make a lot of copy in advance and ready to go here at Hugo coffee roasters, we have a copy.

That’s designated just for cold brew. It’s called our dog baseball group. Um, we really like copies from central Africa. We really liked using copies from Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania. That’s a growing area that he really liked for cold brew, really sweet, rich copies. Um, That are typically, or at least the ones we’re looking for.

Aren’t extremely high in acidity, you know, copies that are, you know, really route forward or, or floral because we’re not going to be able to extract those flavors out with our cold water. Anyway, the coffee we’re focusing on can be really nice for linking for. Um, so we’re going to move on to, how do we get this in our house?

It’s really easy. Cold brew right here. I have, there are many different systems with whole group. We’re going to talk about core. Then we have a bridge crest, we’d have a cold brew kit from Tati, and we have a cold brew kit. Now I’ll move her a little bit different ways that you can make her go home. First thing we’ll talk about.

Wrench press. A lot of people have a French press around. This is a great way. You can make cold brew at home before you want to invest maybe in a corporate kit to see if this can be utilized. If this is something that for you, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna pour coffee into our French press. We’re gonna pour cold water, right?

We’re going to going to give it a stir and make sure all those grounds are nice and saturated. We’re going to pop out and then we’re going to let this sit. Um, it can keep anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, depending on the coffee or using, depending on how strong you like your coffee, depending on what you prefer, you know, 12 hours versus 24 hours.

That’s just pure personal preference. We have our French press, which is a great way to kind of learn cold brew at home before you might invest in, you know, kind of a ready to go group picks. Um, the next thing I want to talk about is the system, and this is a really cool system and around at least 10 or 15 years now, but it’s this little bucket plug in the bottom and you have a clock.

Filter right there. So what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna get our flowing in both of those in the bottom.

You’re going to pour a cup of water into our potty. After that we’re going to be four, six ounces, coffee on top of that. And then three more cups of water. At that point. What we want to do is take a spoon. And we’re going to kind of push those grounds back down into the water. It’s important not to stir because that can end up clotting the filter.

We don’t want to give it a big tornadoes there. We just want to push those down right back in there. Then what we’re going to do is six more ounces of coffee, and then follow up with that with, um, read more cups of water, and we’re gonna do our, our last question with those grounds in deep, um, Cover this, and then we’re gonna set it aside once again, we’re gonna let it steep depending on preference.

Now those are recommendations used by the company. However, depending on how you like your coffee, what crop you’re using those ratios, the water copy ratio has been changed, um, the time. And we’ll talk about that a little more in a second. And the third method. Then we have today is trellis method. This is the method I really like.

It’s really fun. Really cool. It’s just this big mesh filter. You can’t really see through it. It’s really heavy duty, really nice brokers. You’ve got a nice staff there, right there. You can buy the font and get it with the Mason jar. You kit, whatever you want to do. But this goes inside of a large half gallon, wide mouth coming from dark.

You just take your coffee right into the top. Is that that you’re going to pour cold water and then take our lid, close it off and set it aside. And then we’re good to go really great of the whole world. Then the last thing I wanted to talk about is our cold brew past. This is something new that you go cold brew at a coffee market, and it’s really easy to use.

And then it’s a little bit different than the other cold brew system. So we have our traditional dog days cold brew right here. And then we also have a light roast of nutrients that we’re operating in our whole group packs as well. What does is we open those up. We’re going to find big teabags that are filled with coarsely ground coffee.

We want a copy or the plotting system. So we don’t end up, you know, mucking up in near the filters. They don’t get the slides into our whole day. So your nice course-correct right. And then we’re just going to drop these into some sort of corral or something like that at home. And then we’re going to keep it more ready to go.

We’ll pull this out and we’ve got hold of it. Now, our recommendations on the back of the packs are we’re going to drop one of these bags into water and we are going to leave it in one quarter of water for 12 hours. If we do that, we’re going to pull a key back out. And we can have the ready to drink product.

And as you pull that out or into a cup, really, really ready to go, um, this was the best coughing to water ratio in our testing, as well as the best time. Now, that’s not to say that you couldn’t change. I like to do a little bit longer, Steve personally, get a little bit more rich, bold labor. You can speed things up to 24 hours and then you pull that water out.

You have made a coffee concentrate. So you can take that and out over there, cold water to what you’ve been steeping your tea bag in already into where you can get that nice. You know, that’s something that you really like, and you can do the same things with all. You can do 12 hours here and have something that’s close to, ready to drink in 18 hours or for 24 hours.

Arguing the longer steeps or longer times typically that’s going to make me very strong, very concentrated. So you’re gonna want to do that. Look from fresh cold water. Um, I think that’s everything we have to talk about for cold brew today. Just a little bit in their house, or you know how to do this at home.

What cold brew actually is how it’s different and, um, what copies we use to make over it. Nope. That would be, you guys have a great rest of your day. I hope you guys have some good ice coughing out of the hot summer days are coming and, um, yeah, bye-bye.