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Video Transcripts:

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Hey everyone. Hope you’re having a good day. John Wynn here with Hugo coffee roasters. And today we are going to talk about making Turkish coffee. Um, Turkish coffee is something that’s pretty new to me. Um, well I guess I should start off by saying my first coffee shop job. We served Turkish coffee. So I did drink a little bit at that point.

Kind of learn a little bit of the origin story and how to make it, but it’s been years and years since I’ve had a cup or made, um, a Turkish coffee up until maybe like a month ago or so. Um, and then I’ve been working with somebody in salt Lake and a few of my friends to try to figure out this, all the.

Turkish coffee thing. That’s been going really great. We’ve had some really good cups of coffee and I thought I would just kind of share what I’ve learned with you guys. Turkey coffee is one of the oldest brewing methods, probably the oldest brewing method that we still use today. That’s still commonplace in a lot of countries and a lot of cultures.

Um, and we’re basically. Heating the water and the coffee together, and there will be no filter. So when we drink our cup of coffee, all the grounds that are going to be in the, uh, I been right here, this little water pot, um, it will be poured into the cup, all the coffee and all the ground will still be mixed together.

So it only end up happening is we’ll have a little bit of kind of sludge mud on the bottom. Right here. We don’t drink the last bit of the cup of Turkish coffee. Um, Just because a lot of sediment in there, but it makes it a really rich, really delicious cup of coffee. So I’m going to show you guys how to make this, um, first thing we’re going to do is get our coffee were ready.

I’m going to go ahead and weigh out some coffee here. I like to use seven grams of coffee per 100 grams of water. And today we’re going to be using, um, A washed coffee from Tanzania copper that I really like, and it’s been really good. Um, when you, so I’m just going to go ahead and weigh out my seven grams here.

there we go. I’m going to throw a little bit of extra copy into this grinder and run through real quick, just to kind of. Purge any old copy that might be in there, especially since we’re going to be grinding so fine.

good. Now that we’ve kind of purged and clear out a grinder, we’re going to grind the seven grams that we weigh out. Now with the Turkish coffee, it’s really important that we grind extremely fine, finer than espresso. So it’s going to be probably the finest setting on most of your grinders. I have, uh, my abroad to Encore here set, um, on a two.

So it gives you an idea really, really fine.

And of course, because it’s so fine. It takes a while for the grinder to get all that.

so not wanting to grind. All of the beans I’m going to do is I’m gonna throw a few more beans in there to kind of weigh it down and then I’ll weigh it afterwards.

I just think there’s not a lot of pressure on top to push the coffee beans down into the grinder. So we’re just going to grind a little bit extra right now. And then after it’s done grinding, we’ll go ahead and weigh on our poppy again, back in tomorrow.

Okay, so we’ve got our coffee. I’m just going to tear out my scale and then I’m going to put my seven grams of coffee right into my group. Hot.

There we go. And now, because you’re using such little amounts of coffee, we want to make sure every little bit. Gets right inside there.

Okay. We’ve tailored our, uh, coffee pot out. We’ve got our coffee in there. Now we’re going to add our water. Like I said, we’re doing seven grams of copy to a hundred grams of water. Somebody go ahead and board a hundred grams of water into my group hop. Now in a lot of people like to do is they have their favorite cup that they’re going to be using for two.

It’s coffee from the little bit smaller to me, tasks, cup. Um, they usually fill that with water. And so that’s their measurement. So they don’t weigh up their water every time they’ll fill their cup cup in or to their brew pot. And they know exactly how much coffee they want per their cup. So that’s another really good way to do it.

So I’m just pouring my hundred grams of water.

There we go. Now I’m just going to give this a quick stir.

A lot of times from Turkish coffee, you’re going to see. A little bit of sugar poured in there about a TSP teaspoon or so, um, really commonplace makes it a really good cup of coffee. I personally don’t like to do it. So I’m going to skip that step for me, but this is the time where you would add your sugar.

Alright, now it’s time to brew. So you can use your stove. I have a little bit, a little backpacking Jetboil stove right here that I’m going to be using. Um, they make little Peters and stuff for this specifically. So any way you can conduct heat into this is going to be a way that’s going to work with it.

Great. What I like to do is start at a higher heat. Go for about 15 seconds. Then we’re going to turn down to a medium heat. And then in about 45 seconds, I’m going to turn to a lower heat. And I’m looking for about a minute and a half through time. From the time I step this up here from the time that I’m ready to, for this, into my cup.

Also, I’m going to have blame one of our other roasters here. He’s going to grab the camera in just a minute. Bear with him. It might be a little shaky, but he’s going to walk over here kind of pan down and show you exactly what’s going on. In Fetter, I bet right here, our water pot. Um, so you can kind of see what we’re seeing as we’re making this cup of coffee.

Um, so Blaine, if you wouldn’t mind kind of walking over here, like I said, bear with us folks. Hope you’re ready for a rollercoaster ride. Okay. So I’m starting my timer. Whoops,

there we go. Right now. We’re going to set this on here on our high heat.

It’s been about 15 seconds. I’m going to kind of turn that down, Joe, a little bit more of a medium heat right here. Okay. Ooh, careful. That does get pretty hot.

There we go. So if you guys can kind of see, there’s going to be kind of a light tan color, that’s going to come on top of this and it’s slowly going to keep rising and we’re never going to get it to a hard boil, but we will get kind of a nice crust and a real good froth on there. All right. We’re about a minute in.

I’m going to go ahead and turn this down to a little bit, kind of a medium low, and we’re going to let this kind of rock and roll.

So we can kind of start to see, we’re getting a little kind of bubble ring. That’s building up right around the edges, and it’s going to start moving in towards the center. I’m going to see if I can kinda get in there a little bit so we can kind of see these rings building up right around here. It’s kind of folding over the center.

We’ve got our full fold where rising, and at that point, we’re going to pull, thank you so much, Blaine for your awesome handiwork there. At this point, we can go ahead and take our cup here. We’re going to pour this thick, the good dark copy. Right into our dummy Tesco and you have a delicious cup of Turkish coffee right here.

Now this coffee is going to be pretty hot. So we’re going to want to let it kind of hang out and sit for a minute. Um, another thing, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but typically in a lot of our brew videos, we would go ahead and preheat our cups with hot water. So we’re not sucking a lot of the heat.

From the actual coffee, because this coffee is so hot, we’re going to go ahead and keep this cup cold so we can suck some of that heat out. Also, it’s going to help draw down a lot of those grounds and a lot of that sediment that’s in that cup when we hit it with, uh, when we hit the hot coffee into this cold cup.

So we’re going to kind of give this a couple of minutes, I would say maybe two minutes or so. Um, those grounds are gonna settle, so they’re not all upfront. Um, Um, and also gonna be at a better drinking temperature. So are looking for, is that nice kind of thick foam to kind of come up at that point.

We’re going to pull it off, um, and pour it right into our cup. And then two minutes later we can enjoy, we’ll be guys give this a try, but be guys enjoy some good Turkish coffee at home and, uh, yeah, JGB one and have a good day. Bye-bye.