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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Grind Your Whole Bean Coffee

There’s nothing like the rich aromas that surround you as you take a sip of freshly brewed coffee. All of your senses awaken with that first sip. 

If that’s not how you’re experiencing your coffee, you’re doing something wrong. And it’s probably using pre-ground coffee. 

We’re here to show you how to grind your whole bean coffee so that every cup is the best one.  

Why Use a Whole Bean Coffee?

For the freshest, tastiest coffee, it’s best to use whole beans. Roasted coffee loses its freshness and becomes stale over time. This happens much faster when the coffee is ground.

A lot of pre-ground coffee is already stale, losing flavor and freshness. If you buy freshly roasted whole beans, you can have fresh ground coffee every morning. It’s better value for money and ensures the best cup of coffee.

You can also choose your grind. Do you feel like filter coffee or a percolator? What about a French press? With whole beans, you’re not confined to one method of brewing your coffee.

Types of Coffee Grinders

There are two main types of coffee grinders: Burr and blade.

A blade works exactly like a blender, chopping the beans from the bottom up. Burrs work with two cutting discs, using less heat and grinding the beans much quicker.

Besides, you can choose between automatic grinders and manual grinders. Manual grinders are more affordable but require more work, which can be tough when you’re grinding a lot of coffee and can lead to an inconsistent blend.

Blade Grinder vs. Burr Grinders

Blade grinders are accepted throughout the coffee world as being the superior grinder. Because a blade works from the bottom, it often creates an inconsistent grind.

Burr grinders are more expensive, but they’re well known for producing high-quality and consistent grinds.

How to Grind Your Whole Bean Coffee

Follow these simple steps for grinding coffee beans. In no time, you’ll be a happy brewer with a fantastic cup of coffee.

1. Establish Grind Consistency

You need to understand the grind consistency required for your brewing method. 

  • Extra Coarse Grind: French press and percolator
  • Coarse Grind: Cold brew coffee
  • Medium Grind: Chemex and clever dipper
  • Medium/Fine Grind: Aeropress
  • Fine Grind: Conical drip coffee maker, Moka pot, and espresso
  • Super Fine Grind: Turkish coffee

This is a quick breakdown of consistency for different coffee makers.

2. Use a Pulse Function

If you can do this on your grinder, use short pulse bursts to grind the coffee beans. This will create a consistent grind. Be sure not to over grind the coffee (pulsing also helps with this).

If your coffee tastes sour and overwhelming, the culprit is probably over-grinding.

3. Experiment

You’ll need to experiment and try different grind settings to get used to your grinder and coffee brewer. Use your tastebuds in this process as well!

Overly bitter coffee is over-extracted, and you’ll need to try a coarser ground. Overly sour coffee is under-extracted, and you should try a finer ground. You’ll also need to experiment whenever you get new coffee beans as different coffee beans grind differently.

Learn How to Grind Your Whole Bean Coffee for the Perfect Cup

If you find joy in a wonderfully brewed cup of coffee, strong aromas, and rich flavors, then learning how to grind your whole bean coffee is a must. You’ll be able to experiment with different brewers and grinds until you find the perfect fit for you.

At Hugo Coffee Roasters, we have a selection of incredible whole bean coffees to get you started. Shop now for your next favorite brew.