Hugo: The Furry Face Behind Our Brand

Hugo: The Furry Face Behind Our Brand

Hugo: The Furry Face Behind Our Brand As you may have already noticed, we have a beautiful dog in our logo named Hugo. But you may wonder why we called a coffee roasting company after a dog and why that dog is so essential for us. Read on about our unique and...
Etiquette Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Restaurant

Etiquette Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Restaurant

Etiquette Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Restaurant Are you wondering how to ensure taking your dog to a restaurant goes as smoothly as possible? There are more than 76 million dog owners in the United States, and many of them enjoy taking their pets around town!...
Our Non-Profit Partner: Best Friends Animal Society

Our Non-Profit Partner: Best Friends Animal Society

Our Non-Profit Partner: Best Friends Animal Society When it comes to choosing between our favorite things here at Hugo Coffee Roasters, it comes down to coffee and dogs. But why choose one when you can have both?! Hugo Coffee Roasters supports and partners with...
Tips for Camping With Your Dog

Tips for Camping With Your Dog

Tips for Camping With Your Dog Camping with your dog means you have a built-in hiking buddy to bring along on your adventures and will not complain (much). But camping with a pet is not quite the same as camping with other people. There are different considerations...